Biome Quest
Team info
Ali Nawaz
Iason Bance
Number of team members:


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Biome Quest

Gaming for sustainability.

The challenge

Protecting our environment is a global issue, which must be tackled on a global scale. Challenges unique to local communities are most effectively solved by local NGOs; who raise <2% of direct humanitarian aid. Besides running a doom-and-gloom narrative of global challenges for fund-raising, international NGOs largely fail to demonstrate traceability of individual donations. Though most NGOs share the general consensus that something needs to be done regarding environmental sustainability, most of the suggested action points are non-specific in nature. This leaves the donors unaware of the true challenges, detached from the true impact of donations, and a chore-like platform to contribute to meaningful causes.

The solution

An app that lets you: (1) Browse and support real-world sustainability projects that have been added in-game. (2) Play the game or donate funds directly to the causes and projects that you care about. (3) Track the progress of these projects, and see where you stand in terms of real-world contribution and in-game points, which can unlock upgrades and achievements. (4) Climb the in-game leader board, and show the causes that are important to you and your community. (5) Follow the story: Each year a new chapter will be released that increases the types of projects and their scale.



Tel: +31 (0)6 38 09 08 92 (WhatsApp)

TU Delft Campus

Building 26C

Van der Burghweg 1

2628 CS Delft

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